Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Dust off the old running shoes, its resolution time! Ahhh, good ol resolutions. I, like most everyone else, hate that word. I think it automatically sets you up for failure. I do, however, think it is important to start fresh at the new year and set some goals. Not a resolution, really. Just hitting the restart button. 

This year I'm keeping it simple. Well, kindof. Drinking more water should be pretty straightforward. Graduating from photography school and growing my business would be nice. And I'd like to do another full marathon, and, possibly get my Boston time (holler!), which means logging 30+ miles a week until that happens. And along the way I'd like to try to run a sub 6:00 mile (a first since high school). Lord knows that won't be easy. Or probably simple.  A lot of my goals are running-related which isn't a surprise to me. My running has kindof taken a spot on the back burner since I started school, but that will be over soon and Lord knows I'll need something to obsess about. I hope that by sharing my goals them on here, y'all will help keep me accountable. 

Here's to kicking 2013's ass!

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