Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Traditions: Tom and Jerry's

This one is probably one of my favorite things about Christmas Eve with my family. If you're unfamiliar with this festive drink, ask your grandparents. I'm sure they used to drink these back in the day. Its similar to eggnog, but warm and creamy and definitely boozy.  Since we've become of drinking age, its been a holiday must-have at the Holmes household. We even have special Tom and Jerry mugs that we store and keep all year just for this one occasion. I really don't know what my brothers and I would do without it!

Here are traditional directions, but note that the batter can be made ahead of time and frozen in tupperware. We typically make it one cup at a time by putting a dollop of the batter in a mug with brandy, whiskey and rum, and fill the rest up with boiling water. And if you're worried about the raw eggs, you needn't be. What the boiling water doesn't cook, the 3 oz of liquor surely will. 

  • 6 Large Eggs. Room temperature.
  • 3 Cups Confectioners' Sugar
  • 1/3 Cup Brandy or Cognac
  • 1/3 Cup Rum
  • Freshly grated nutmeg
  • *Note that we also use whiskey in ours, but that's up to you. My family's alcohol intake around the holidays has always been somewhat questionable. 

Separate the egg whites in a bowl. In another bowl, beat the yolks with a mixer and add the confectioner's sugar at high speed for about 2 min. They should thicken. Beat the egg whites at high speed until soft peaks form. Slowly fold the egg whites mixture a little at a time until blended. Serve in a decorative bowl or freeze for later. Just make sure it thaws a little before you blend it, or your drink won't be hot for long! And don't forget to sprinkle a little nutmeg on top before serving!

My mouth is seriously watering so much I can almost taste it.
Oh, BTW.  In the interest of full disclosure, I must tell you that our local liquor store sells their own frozen Tom and Jerry mix.  I must also tell you that we buy and use this mix.  It’s good.  It’s not as good as this recipe, but it’s good.  There.  Now I feel better. 

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